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Holiday Neighborhood sign and townhouse - Barrett Studio Architects.jpg

Housing Consulting 

Many communities are experiencing rising property values that make it hard for people who work there to live there. Mountain and resort communities face special problems included a limited land supply and competition for housing with visitors and second home owners. Cindy partners with other housing experts to help communities explore how to best provide housing that is appropriate for their needs.

Cindy worked for more than twenty years planning and developing affordable housing in Boulder, Colorado. Cindy was the Co-Executive Director of Boulder Housing Partners, the housing authority of the City of Boulder. She was responsible for coordinating budgets, schedules, and approvals for all the development projects of the organization.


In addition, she was the project manager for the Holiday Neighborhood – a 330 unit, mixed use project with 40% affordability – including a tax credit project. Cindy also worked for the City of Boulder, Housing Division – coordinating the Community Housing Assistance Program (CHAP) which provides project funding. She helped develop policies on inclusionary zoning and excise tax. 


She was also part of a consulting team that worked with Colorado and New Mexico mountain towns to help explore ways to provide high quality, affordable housing for their workforce.

Recent work:

2017 Glenwood Springs Community Builders Training - facilitator and speaker

2018 Mammoth Lakes Community Workshop - key note speaker

2019 Cripple Creek/Victor housing needs assessment with WSW Consulting

2020 Victor - developer selection for town-owned parcel 


Two Meadows Consulting

Rates for non-profits are available. Contact Cindy for current rates.

(720) 341-9703. 









@2024  Cindy Brown 

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